The K I S T E N M U Z I K - Project is going to hit the road in mai/june 2015. The musicians are: Astride Schlaefli, Christian Kuntner, Christoph Hess and David Grollman. David, a New York based percussionist and the three swiss musicians are going to present a kind of
- Right now we
are working on our new homepage to bring you all the news as soon as possible.
- checking all the places in switzerland that would suit our performance.
exploring new sounds with christoph hess, (aka "strotter inst"), our friend and turntable-treatment-specialist...

Dave talking to the invisible before the show at 5th street east, New York
kitchen rehearsal in east village, New York
the red one...
analog mess...
stars and stripes
christoph at full action
scratching and...
more cables
the full setup
Astride & Christian live on stage in Brooklyn, december 2013